Equity Funds

Bridging the gap between active and passive investing

Sub-advised by Rothschild & Co Asset Management US Inc.

Investment overview

  • Quantitative analysis of risk used to build the portfolio

  • Selection criteria of securities not based on market capitalization

  • Process aims to achieve a diversified portfolio by market sectors

Key differentiators

Rothschild’s Equal Risk Contribution (ERC) 2.0 approach focuses on building the most risk-diversified portfolio.

  • Rule-based investment decisions

  • Selection process ensures that each security in the portfolio contributes equally to the diversification of risk

  • Systematic rebalancing conducted quarterly

Why invest in these Funds?

ERC 2.0 targets the following three goals to add value:

  • Reducing volatility

  • Limiting maximum drawdowns

  • Improving the Sharpe ratio


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About the portfolio manager's firm

Rothschild Asset Management Inc logo


  • Rich history: More than 200 years in financial services

  • Depth and breadth: Employing approximately 2,800 professionals in 40 countries

  • Their philosophy: "Diversification is good, but diversification of risk is even better"

Learn more

Fund series


Advisor Series

F Series

Initial sales charge

NBI SmartBeta Canadian Equity Fund



NBI SmartBeta Global Equity Fund



NBI SmartBeta Canadian Equity Fund

Advisor Series

Initial sales charge


F Series


NBI SmartBeta Global Equity Fund

Advisor Series

Initial sales charge


F Series


Learn more about Series*


Legal notes

The information and the data supplied on the current page of this site, including those supplied by third parties, are considered accurate at the time of their publication and were obtained from sources which we considered reliable. We reserve the right to modify them without advance notice. This information and data are supplied as informative content only. No representation or guarantee, explicit or implicit, is made as for the exactness, the quality and the complete character of this information and these data. The opinions expressed are not to be construed as solicitation or offer to buy or sell shares mentioned herein and should not be considered as recommendations.

The NBI SmartBeta Canadian Equity Fund and the NBI SmartBeta Global Equity Fund (the “Funds”) are offered by National Bank Investments Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of National Bank of Canada. National Bank Trust Inc. acts as portfolio manager for the Funds and Rothschild & Co Asset Management US Inc. acts as portfolio sub-advisor for the Funds. Commissions, trailing commissions, management fees and expenses all may be associated with mutual fund investments. Please read the prospectus of the Funds before investing. 

The Funds’ securities are not insured by the Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation or by any other government deposit insurer. The Funds are not guaranteed, their values change frequently and past performance may not be repeated.

® NATIONAL BANK INVESTMENTS is a registered trademark of National Bank of Canada, used under licence by National Bank Investments Inc.

National Bank Investments is a signatory of the United Nations-supported Principles for Responsible Investment, a member of Canada’s Responsible Investment Association, and a founding participant in the Climate Engagement Canada initiative.